
Department of Ophthalmology

SKR hospital & Trauma centre Pvt. Ltd. has been serving in the field of ophthalmology since few years. We are here committed to provide quality care state of art technology at an affordable cost. We have solution for people of all socioeconomic strata. There are special provisions for under privileged people (cataract surgery free of cots). We offer a complete range of eye care services including cataract glaucoma , squint, medical retina and refractive errors with state of art technology with best available instruments. There are more than 200 eye condition ranging from common problems (Dry eye disease, cataract glaucoma) to rarer diseases (ocular melanoma and vernal keraoconjuctivitis) . Since of these have no symptoms and cam cause loss of sight before patients even realize what is happening . As such the government public health outcomes framework has highlighted preventable sight loss as a health priority . There are many modifiable lifestyle factors that contribute to sigh loss, so here are same precaution to take :-
1) Reduce alcohol intake/ smoking .
2) Protect eyes from sun with sunglasses.
3) Reduce screen time .
4) Have regular sight tests.
5) Follow contact lens hygiene advice.
6) Attend screening
Do not skip your annual eye doctor visit because you think you can see just fine. Eyes examination is not only for people with poor vision. They are an important way to find eye problem before symptoms show up. You do notwant to risk when comes to your eye health . Any type of eye pain / Discomfort can make it hard to function and can sometimes it can be an indicator of an more serious problem, so try for regular eye check up specially for kids and elderly or if you are hypertension and arthritis.

Outpatient Services Cost



Rs.100 /-

Online Appointment FEE

Rs.200 /-

Emergency FEE

Rs.300 /-

Why Choose S.K.R for :


Advanced Technology


Personalized Care


Patient-Centered Approach


Proven Excellence

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