Spine Surgery
Spine Surgery
The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that transmits messages between the brain and the rest of the body, running through the vertebrae from the base of the brain down to the waist. The spinal column is divided into three regions: cervical (neck), thoracic (chest), and lumbar (lower back). Spinal cord injuries lead to neurological damage below the injury's level. A complete injury results in loss of both sensation and motor function, while an incomplete injury preserves some sensory or motor function. Injuries to the cervical spine can cause quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs and trunk), while injuries to the lumbar spine lead to paraplegia (paralysis of the legs and hips, and sometimes the trunk).
Spinal cord injuries may result from motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports injuries, diving accidents, or diseases like multiple sclerosis. Complications include loss of motor and sensory control, bowel and bladder dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, breathing issues (requiring ventilators in severe cases), osteoporosis from disuse, blood pressure changes, and autonomic dysreflexia (a potentially life-threatening reflexive response to triggers like a full bladder).Physiotherapy plays a key role in rehabilitation by focusing on maintaining joint range of motion, improving muscle strength and endurance, training in mobility aids, gait retraining, and modifying the home environment to ensure safety. Rehabilitation can be intensive and lifelong but is vital in helping patients achieve as much function and independence as possible.Spinal cord injury is an unfortunate occurrence. However, with advances in modern medicine and physiotherapy, we can help the injured person maximise the quality of his/her life. Give us a call.