S.K.R Hospital and Trauma Center Pvt. Ltd. Pathankot


The knee joint is a complex structure of bones, ligaments, muscles, cartilage and the joint capsule. This anatomy lends itself to a multiple of injuries ranging from ACL tears to other ligament sprains and tendon strains. Direct trauma, as well as wear and tear, also contributes to some knee injuries. Most knee injuries will usually require physiotherapy. Some of the more common knee injuries are discussed here.
Knee pain and exercise The complex anatomy of the knee consisting of bone, muscle and ligaments, makes it especially susceptible to injury. In nearly every sport, the knee is subjected to a lot of stress from running, jumping, lifting or sprinting. Over time, this stress begins to act on the joint, causing injury and resulting pain. When this happens, an athlete can spend a long time on the side-lines.
Many athletes push themselves over the edge. The athlete who continues to exercise incorrectly with knee pain could be doing great harm. In serious cases, medical treatment may be necessary. It helps to know a little about immediate steps to take before proper medical attention can be reached.
R.I.C.E is a formula that has helped many athletes get over the initial discomfort of an injury:
Rest. Refraining from putting weight on the knee can aid recovery.
Ice. This helps to reduce pain and swelling.
Compression. Wrapping the knee with a snug, but not tight, bandage also helps to reduce pain and swelling.
Elevation. Put your leg up on pillows or cushions while sitting or when in bed. Reduces swelling.
Physiotherapy can help reduce your pain and return you to exercise. We will design a program of stretching and strengthening exercises for you to follow. Proper warm up and cool-down is essential. You may also need to wear knee braces to protect the knee during exercise. It is always best to have a health professional fit you with the one that is right for you. Also, if necessary your doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory medication. Injuries are not always avoidable, but with caution and common sense you can keep those injuries to a minimum.